Zazaa Makes Stuff

I'm Zazaa, a resin artist and an occasional doodler.


Follow my socials ♥︎

About me

Hello everyone! Thank you for stopping by! My name is Zazaa / Zaku and I enjoy crafting and doodling!I'm a self-taught resin artist and started my crafting journey about 3 years back.
I mainly design resin crystals from my favourite MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV.

I have some experience in drawing little illustrations and fanwork for various series, sometimes producing them as merchandise and putting them up in my online shop, and occasionally at local conventions if I managed to get a table - I usually tables with my good friend Alzonerie, with the circle name of Bunbun Co.).

My current goal is to continue making pretty and useful things, I'm hoping to extend my crafts to a bigger community in the near future!I mainly speak English and Chinese, while also have basic reading skills in Malay and Japanese.I'm currently back into being a cog in the society (living is so hard we have mortgage to pay ;_;), so I no longer have free reign of leisure to craft... But I'll still do my very best to keep things up, stay creative while enjoying every little moment I can with my craft table and pretty jewels!!I craft every now and then and I will be extremely happy if any of my crafts and projects interest you! Your support means everything to me and I hope that you can find something you like here :>Feel free to look around / contact me if you have any further questions!Love, Zazaa ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

Resin Stones Care Guide

This is a simple care guide written by me to better care for your resin pieces / job stones. Do note that I am no professional and some of these procedures are only recorded during my own discovery, which might not be proper, but it should be sufficient to keep decorative pieces well.

Things to avoid:

  • Direct, long exposure to sunlight:
    Resin pieces tend to turn yellow over exposure to sunlight / UV rays no matter how good the quality. The resin that I'm using is blue-resin, which should be able to stay clear for the span of 1 year+ if it is not exposed to sunlight.

  • Abrasive, harsh washing:
    If your resin stone / necklace gets dusty, do clean them with warm water and hand soap (any mild soap will do). Try wiping them dry with your hand / fibreless cloth to avoid dust/fibre from sticking to it again. If you happen to have glass cleaner solution, it will work too - just dip a tiny bit and wipe it with a soft paper towel.

  • Contact with consumables:
    As it has always been highlighted, please refrain from having the resin product in contact with any food. This also includes licking or biting them directly. As much as the forbidden gummy joke is funny, resin contains toxic substances equivalent to (or worse than) plastics so it will harm you. The resin that I am using is NOT food-safe, so it will be best to avoid any contact with consumables at all times.

If resin became sticky

There has been some feedback raised to me that some of my older resin has turn sticky over the years. This might be because that the resin coating that I used to use was not stable / exposed to too much heat / humidity. As I am unsure if there is a proper way to solve it other than sanding the sticky layer away, please refer to the steps below that I can suggest, but it will affect the quality of the piece thereafter.

  1. Apply any alcohol base solution over the sticky surface
    To put it simply, we are going to clean off the sticky part of the resin.  The most accessible alcohol-base solution that you can get is likely (given the circumstances now) alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Apply to sticky surface and clean it with paper towel. Repeat several times if needed until resin surface is no longer sticker. HOWEVER, this will change the outlook of the stone as it will no longer be crystal clear. (the stone will now have a matte surface).

  2. Apply tiny bit of oil to make it clear again (temporarily)
    Though this might not be a permanent solution, you can dip a tiny bit of oil-based solution onto the now-matte surface to make it look clear again. I can suggest using either baby oil, or any hand lotion. It might not stay crystal clear forever, but it should be able to last for a while (and you can re-apply the oil / lotion whenever). At least it's not going to be sticky anymore after this :')

I'll assume that it is very unlikely that you will require an after-service for a piece of tiny stone, however, if you would like to, I do provide FREE refreshing / recoating for custom commission pieces should you prefer me to do it instead of cleaning the sticky part on your own. The only catch is that you will have to pay for all the shipping cost (from you to me, and then me to you). Feel free to send me an email / Twitter DM if you would like to arrange so!

I technically also provide free lifetime warranty (?) for locals so if you are staying in Singapore and happen to catch me in a con, feel free to drop by so I can refresh the stones for you, be it fixing the stickiness or changing the hardware if it fell off / became rusty (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡Please note that after-servicing can only fix the stickiness issue, I am unable to un-yellow the resin m(__)m

If you have any further concern, feel free to email me / drop me a DM !
If it was asked frequently I'll also include it here for easier references next time!

Job Stone Commission InformationCurrent status: Closed!

  Base stone price: $38 + Shipping  

Shipping (Registered mail by default)Price
Local postage (within Singapore)FREE!
Asia except for Japan$7.50
Everywhere else in the world$11.00

Side note about price / inclusion

  • Your request in the form will all be included in the base price unless stated otherwise. The stone will come in a standard phone strap by default but you may request for different hardware (or none) as well.

  • If your requested design is too hard (but doable), additional cost / waiting time might be incurred (I'll DM you!)

  • I have shifted my payment method to my shop link so I can capture each order more easily as well as updating shipping information without the mail getting lost in spam.

Terms of Service

Defect Disclaimer

  • All job stones are handcrafted and might include slight defects (bubbling, slightly uneven surface at the side / back, slight scratches / microscopic lint etc).

  • I will do my best to avoid very visible defects for you, but might not be able to make a 360° picture-perfect one.

  • Please only purchase them if you are willing to expect some imperfection.

Refund / Cancellation / Policy

  • I'm unable to refund / cancel once you have paid and once I have already started, as this is a made-to-order commission.

  • Please contact me (Twitter DM preferred!) if you would like to make any changes after you have submitted the form.

Customization Requests

  • I will do my best to cater the stone to your preferred colour / theme, however as I am still learning to perfect my craft, do expect a certain level of limitation.

  • I can do a maximum of 2 repour if the colour / style doesn't match your expectation. More than that, I'll require extra payment for material fees. The rejected stone will end up being sold as B-grade in my store anytime after the commission is done.

  • I have all rights to turn down something that I am not confident to make - of course, I will DM you to discuss first till we reach an understanding.

  • Please DO NOT request me to copy other crafter's work. I fully respect all of them and their work, set aside a lot of them are my friends!! If you love their work, please consider commissioning them!!

Normal Commission Process

  1. Commission request (Google form).

  2. You will make payment through my shop listing.

  3. I will send you a photo of a prototype stone, designed from scratch based on your submitted request.

  4. Adjustment phase, I will make several stones to tweak upon your comment and send you a photo of the amended stone.

  5. More adjustment until the result is close to your ideal. (Maximum 2 repour FOC)

  6. Assembling of job stone with the requested hardware, and then mailing out the completed stone to you.

  7. Update on shipping information once the package is sent - via my shop so you'll receive an email notification!

Skeb-style comms

  • I might occasionally have some skeb-style commission slots available through my shop page.

  • What is skeb-style comms? It is a commission request that will have ZERO revision and ZERO communication. You put in your request, I make the stone with everything I have to match your request and viola! You'll only get to see the stone upon receiving them, so this comms is fully based on the "just trust me bro" concept.

  • As mentioned above, this commission request is fully based on your trust in my skills. It will strictly follow my no-refund policy even if the outcome doesn't come out as you visualized it to be. If you'd like to have a custom stone made for you that you can have me adjust everything down to a T, then the skeb-style commission is not for you.

  • This comms style is usually available for local event pickup (if I am tabling), but I've finally decided to make them available for overseas requests as well so, ask away!

  • You can request a skeb-style comms directly via my shop link, and type out all your requests in the order note. Please remember this is a no-communication commission, so everything you type there will be what I base on to craft your request.

Lead time

  • 30 - 60 days upon payment is received. (Maximum 90 days if repour)

  • Depending on amendment / repour, more days will be added into the lead time as I'll take ~4 days to make ONE stone.

  • On my fastest record, I can only ship out the item within 15 days of payment. (Prototype stone approved instantly)


  • Tracking will be available on >this site< once I have posted them! I will update the tracking number through my shop link so you'll be notify via an email that your purchase has been shipped.

  • If it has been 1 months and the package has not reached you, please drop me a DM / email so I can escalate it to the post office.

  • Should the package gets returned to me due to unforeseen reason, I am able to reship it to you one more time without extra charges. If it fails again, I will contact you for additional shipping costs.

  • If you do not respond to my contact about reshipping, I will hold on to the package until you do so. Gmail will sometimes mistakenly flagged some email as junk, so make sure you check your spam/junk mail too.

After-sale Services

  • I'll assume that it is very unlikely that you will require an after-service for a piece of tiny stone, however, if you would like to, I do provide FREE refreshing / recoating for custom commission pieces if you think that the stone can use some refreshment.

  • I can fix your stones if they: turn dirty or dusty / gets scratched over time / hardware part fell off and needed a replacement. Please note that I am unable to un-yellow the resin ;=;

  • The only catch is that you will have to pay for all the shipping costs (from you to me, and then me to you). Feel free to send me an email / Twitter DM if you would like to arrange so!

  • I technically also provide free lifetime warranty (?) for locals so if you are staying in Singapore and happen to catch me in a con, feel free to drop by so I can refresh the stones for you. I'll mail it back to you once I've completed with the refreshing process, FOC.

You can also read my simple resin care guide for more info (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡

LASTLY!!As epoxy resin (liquid plastic) contains toxic substance,
any-way insert them into any of your body parts. I WILL NOT hold any responsibility if you (for whatever reason) got choke / poisoned by the product due to consuming them... It sounded stupid but... Y'know.
I gotta say what it has to be said.

Anyway! Thank you for reading!
You're now ready to order a custom!

Art Commission InformationCurrent status: Closed!

I am currently still experimenting and practising (while having to pay bills), so all of these will be scuff and my art style will not be consistent.

Terms of Service

  • Will do: OC, ffxiv warrior of light (might scuff on non-human race; will require additional $$ if glamour is on the complicated end), vtuber art (your own or fan art for existing liver), anime fan art, any gender

  • Unable to do: NSFW (gore & sexual theme), any non-humanoid character, any controversial theme

  • Canvas size: Requestable within 1920px x 1080px (300dpi); if no request was given, I will assign accordingly based on composition.

  • Payment: Payment will be collected upfront and unable to refund / cancel once it is sent.

  • Amendment Policy: Maximum of 2 rounds of major amendment per commission (1 during sketch, 1 during colouring). Any other additional major amendment request will be charged. (Minor adjustment is a-ok!)

  • Process:
    > Send in commission request
    > I will send you an invoice
    > Invoice paid
    > I will send you a sketch once I worked on it
    > Adjustment and approval of sketch (1 major adjustment)
    > I will send you wip of linework & base colour once I worked on it
    > Adjustment and approval of colour (1 major adjustment)
    > I will send you the completed art download link

  • Lead time: 30 - 90 days upon confirmation (I'm trying my best to increase my art speed ;v;)

  • Usage: Personal use only. For digital usage and printing small amount of physical merch for yourself is a-ok. Fan art commission MUST credit me and is not allowed to use any hashtag if you post them. Commercial usage is not allowed unless it was stated upon request (an additional 150% above the original price will be applied as commercial rate).

  • I also retain all rights to post and use any of the completed pieces as samples.

Pricing chart
*(all prices listed will be in USD)


Emote (112 x 112px)$15
Profile (500 x 500px)$25
Full-body (print proportion)$35
Full-body Extra character$30

Chibi Samples


Profile / bust-up (500 x 500px)$30
Waist-up (700 x 900px)$45
Full-body (print proportion)$100
Bust-up Extra character+$25
Waist-up Extra character+$30
Full-body Extra character+$80
Extra details charges (armour, complicated costumes, etc.)+$20++
Waist-up / Full-body sketch (no render)- $25

Footnote: 'extra character' price is only applicable if the characters are in the same canvas. Separated canvas = separated commission = full price.

Non-chibi Samples

Thank you for reading! Now you are ready!